ATTENTION: Coaches, Consultants and Experts

Masterclass: LIVE FEBRUARY 6th @ 11am [AEDT]

Discover The NEW Secret Formula We Use To Create $15K - $50K "Red Diamond" Signature Offers That Sell Like Crazy!

Without Impostor Syndrome.

This is the exact same system we used to create offers and sell $24 Million online, and create $5.8 Million in recurring revenue for our clients.

Watch This Presentation Below To Discover How To Create $50,000 Offers

Break the limiting beliefs that say "you are not good enough to create such high value"... You CAN do this!

"Join The Masterclass Now

For A One-Time Discounted Payment Of Only $79 FREE"

This is a 4hr Masterclass

starting in:

THUR 20th MAR @ 18:00 AEDT

More Impact, More Profit, More Time-Freedom is Only ONE OFFER AWAY

Takeaways from the event...

This is what other have said about the Masterclass!

"Now I have a framework that works"

"My big takeaway was that I have been limiting my success by pricing my coaching offer based on the features instead of my actual value. Now I have a framework for better results. I'm EXCITED for what's next!"

~ Sylvia Mc

"There was so much value"

"There was SO much value. My best takeaway was, how simple it is to create a red diamond offer. Just follow the steps. That is ALL you have to do. How cool is that?"

~ Michael F

In Just 4 Hours I'll Teach You Our Entire KILLER System

That you can do without wasting precious time or energy.

Use what already exists. No Extra Effort. No Time Wasted.

Exactly How We Have Made $24 Million In 4 Years.

The Red Diamond Offer

A unique 3-step formula you can "plug-in" to your current business to amplify profits.

These offers start from $15,000 all the way up to $50,000.

The great thing about this system is you don't need to create anything extra - you can literally use what already exists - and add to what you currently have. It's so simple.

In less than 3 days you can uplift the value of your business with profit margins as healthy as 60% - 80%. Yes, you read that correctly.

Your clients will salivate over these offers. This is the game-changer you have been looking for.

These are the EXACT steps to $50,000 Offers.

This is the system any professional Coach, Consultant or Expert must follow to compete in today's low-trust, high-marketing-cost environment.

Step 1

Creating a signature system that clients will love.

Session #1

Bold Berry Avatar

How to uncover the perfect Red Diamond clients.

Session #2

Undeniable Clarity

The way to give your clients the certainty on your offer.

Session #3

The Magic Formula

The framework for creating the perfect signature system.

15 Minute Break

Step 2

Building the perfect offer with Red Diamonds.

Session #4

Subconscious Success

What makes a Red Diamond so valuable people can't help but desire it.

Session #5

Genius Messaging

What words to use and what to name your offer.

Session #6

Bag Of Diamonds

The simple Red Diamond Offer framework and steps.

15 Minute Break

Step 3

Presenting your offer so it's attractive and sells fast!

Session #7

No-Sell Selling

How to stage your offer so you can sell without selling.

Session #8

Package n Present

The fastest way to get Red Diamond clients closed.

Session #8

$100K Day Formula

How we build and launch a $100K Day Engine.

End Session / Q&A

Here's the secret...

If you learn how to create a "Red Diamond Offer" (in the way I'll be showing you on this Masterclass) then you'll have the power to write your own cheques... regular as Clockwork.

Finally Have The Time Freedom You've Dreamed About!

From: Matthew White

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Dear friend,

No matter what ups and downs we face in the economy – and regardless what financial crisis is looming next – learning how to create an offer – using my ethical and legal “Red Diamond Offer” Formula – can transform your business fast, giving you the profits, impact and time-freedom you’ve always wanted!

Now, is this Red Diamond Masterclass for you, I hear you thinking...

Great question! Let me quickly describe the mindset - and current experience required - of the person this Masterclass is designed for…

  • IF YOU’RE A COACH! Of ANY kind and you’re struggling to make a decent profit
    – but know you were meant to serve your clients at a higher level – then this is absolutely designed and MADE for you!

  • IF YOU'RE A CONSULTANT! And currently HAVE a product or service – but you are not making enough profit to cover expenses and need a boost that will move the needle fast forward – then this is ESSENTIAL for you.

  • IF YOU'RE AN EXPERT! And currently HAVE a decent following or training program – but unsure how to turn this into huge returns without spending a lot of time or money – then this is EXACTLY for you!

  • IF YOU WANT TO BE GREAT! Right now, you’re pretty good at making sales and profit but just don’t want to settle for 'good' – you want to be great and take your game to the world titles and make an impact and be the leader you know you're meant to be – then this is an UNMISSABLE moment to take action!

If that short list does not disqualify you, then please read on; this could be the most important, game-changing event of your life !

I'm going to get right to it - I'm Matthew White and over the last few years I have gone from working in construction to building a $24 Million Coaching and Consulting business.

And today I help Coaches, Consultants and Experts create super high ticket "Red Diamond Offers" that sell like crazy, without suffering from Imposter Syndrome or "Impostorism."

My desire is to help YOU to create a business that provide true fulfillment on many levels. More impact. More profit. More time freedom.

This Masterclass is designed to help you engineer an offer so desirable to your clients that "YES" is the only answer you'll hear!

If you want to create true change and have more time to help people and make more profit in the meantime, then this is for you.

Are You Ready To Learn The Art And Science Of Creating True High Value For Your Clients And Serve Them At A Higher Level!

Here Is What You Can Expect From The


Before Masterclass


  • Making 'Ok' sales but just not quite enough to compete with the competition...

  • Finding your profits are being consumed by advertising cost which just seems to be getting worse...

  • Feeling Impostor Syndrome and procrastination are holding you back from achieving your true potential...

  • Totally frustrated why others are making killer profits selling super high ticket offers but you are still stuck figuring it out...

  • Wishing you could raise your prices and serve better, but it seems overwhelming and very daunting and you just don't know quite where to start...

AFTER Masterclass


  • Fully built Red Diamond Offer you can start promoting immediately: simply upgrade your current offer... works in any industry!

  • A simple, repeatable framework you can use again and again to create as many offers as you wish!

  • An offer so desirable you'll be gob-smacked at how easy they will be to sell... even in a turbulent economy!

  • Finally feeling motivated and encouraged about the future and growing your business faster!

  • Knowing the EXACT pieces of the puzzle to create super high value offers without suffering Impostor Syndrome!


What others have said...

"The next step for me is $250k!"

"I am very pleased to say that I have achieved my my first goal, which is replacing $100,000 net income. The next step for me is $250k to give me that freedom that I can move forward with. I am so proud and I really want to make you guys proud as well."

~ Mel L

"I was blown away; I'm so excited!"

"It was a three full day immersion and we were blown away by all the detail, the step by step processes behind all of this to make sure of what we're doing and what we're getting into. I'm so excited. This program really catapults and accelerates me in my journey, so I'm so grateful for that. Thank you!"

~ Satish G

"The energy keeps me motivated!"

"The energy that beams off those two is pretty incredible. It keeps me motivated. Keeps me going. Very excited to be part of this!"

~ Cameron P

"Your No BS approach really worked for us"

"Your no BS approach really got our attention. And that's what really worked for us. We were just like, okay, I like the way this guy talks. Because you guys have experience, you know? I mean, any questions we ask, you guys have an answer to it, which is fantastic that you've been there."

~ Viv F

"There was so much value"

"Amazing energy from Matthew. And there were lots of booms! We did mindset training and Matthew covered powerful things that all they do is bring us down. It resonated with me and it gave me thought on how to overcome them. A powerful message."

~ Neha T

"Who can help us? You guys answered!"

"There's all these ideas out there of what we want to try to achieve and hearing all these stories and things, but a complete lack of understanding on how to actually get started and what to actually do. You're kind of turning around going, "who can help me?" That's where
you guys came in, which was fantastic!"

~ Chris F

"Now I have a framework that works"

"My big takeaway was that I have been limiting my success by pricing my coaching offer based on the features instead of my actual value. Now I have a framework for better results. I'm EXCITED for what's next!"

~ Sylvia Mc

"I'm in awe of everything that you're doing!"

"I'm very, very delighted to be a part of this. I have been Facebook stalking Matthew and Sahara for quite some time now. I'm just in awe of everything that you're both doing; I have a great interest in being part of a community that is filled with like-minded people."

~ Rowena M

"So much opportunity with experienced team"

"With an experienced team behind you, I'm really, really amazed that there's such opportunity for us to explore, to come and be part of this journey, and backed by an experienced team out there. Thank you very much!"

~ David N

"Experts help us to achieve our goal faster"

"To be successful, we learn and get support from experts. We follow their footstep. Knowing what do they do and how do they do it so that we can avoid unnecessary obstacles to achieve our goal faster. Thank you!"

~ Susen L

"Anyone can do this; even me!"

"My best takeaway from this event, I was blown away by the framework. Knowing there is a simple framework for creating valuable offers means anyone can do this, even me. I am excited to get started!"

~ Mel L

"This has been easy, fun and positive!"

"A big, heartfelt thanks to Matt and Sahara. If you are not quite sure how to fit it all together, just jump off that fence, take a shot and give it a go. These guys are so generous with all of the information that they're willing to share, and no question is silly in these sessions. I've been so overwhelmed with the beautiful support and love
from everybody and that is so valuable. I'm so excited. This has been easy, fun, positive, and they're truly worth it. They're so generous, and I can't wait to learn more. Thanks.

~ Caiti A

"There will never be a perfect moment"

What I've realized is that there will never be a perfect moment. Covid, This, That... How easy would it be for most people to make excuses again? That's when I say, that's enough. No more excuses. I'm moving forward. I'm super focused. This is what I want and I'm going to get it.

~ Mel L

"There was so much value"

"There was SO much value. My best takeaway was, how simple it is to create a red diamond offer. Just follow the steps. That is ALL you have to do. How cool is that?"

~ Michael F

"That knowledge is now in my head!"

"I was a bit skeptical before the event, wondering if I was going to be wasting my time or not. But I certainly learned a lot there. I don't part with my money easily and and I'm looking forward to accelerating my journey. I guess that's really the big prize! I'm so grateful for that because that knowledge is now in my head. Thank you!

~ Jeff B

"Taking action is paying huge dividends!"

"You need to take action right where you are right now. Just like I did. It's paying dividends and really making a difference financially, personally and professionally"

~ Gabrielle Q

"You have rekindled that fire in me!"

"Hi, Matthew and Sahara. Wanted to thank you for, lovely three days we've had with you these live sessions tonight... you guys have really rekindled that fire in me. It has given me hope. It brings back my dreams, and I thank you. Thank you for your opportunity. I believe in you. So thank you for giving back that opportunity. Really, appreciate it.

~ Albert N

"Wow. What an opportunity; this is amazing!"

"Wow. How exciting. Thank you, Matt and Sahara. It has been amazing. Last night's big learnings were huge opportunity... taking opportunities. And what an opportunity you guys are offering. That is amazing."

~ Alisha B

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